Community Service @ Kolej Tingkatan Enam Petaling Jaya
As our CSR project to give back to the community, the AeU Knowledge Centre continues to serve the Kolej Tingkatan Enam Petaling Jaya in upgrading the Library management system from KOHA 3.20 version to 18.05 version. A series of training on various KOHA application modules were carried out since 2014 until 2019 for the teachers and students. We also provide training on how to record materials in the library using the latest RDA rules.
Check out some of our memories at Resource Space
R Language for Librarian
More people are aware of the importance of data analytics. As an initiative to create awareness among the librarians, two of our librarians (Mr Norkamarizal and Dr Wahidah) have been invited as the speaker to conduct a one-day session on using Rstudio and R language to analyze data in the University of Malaya Library on 5 September 2019. Interested to be one in the future? FB page: Malaysian Data Librarians and R Users.

Paper Present @ Seminar Pustakawan
We have presented the CSR project in one of the prestigious conferences in the Library and Information field in Kuching, Sarawak on 12th September 2019. The title of the paper is Users' and Librarians' Perceptions of School Resource Centre KOHA Library Automation Implementation: A Case Study of School Resource Center at Kolej Tingkatan Enam Petaling Jaya. Feel free to read the full paper on the work by visiting our Institutional Repository (IR)
Koha Update from 3.24 to 18.11 version
We have successfully updated our library system from 3.24 to 18.11 version. The migration started in early 2019 and involved almost 7000 items of our physical collection. The process ends in August 2019. Among the new features of the new version of Koha is more interface user-friendly and efficient and allow a richer collection to be catalogued. We also update our collection status in our library catalogue in the process. The process is done by our librarians (in-house).