To be proactive and respond innovatively, to serve the intellectual and cognitive needs of the University, providing high-quality resources, services and gateways to information.
To be a vibrant center and a living library adapting to the changes in a dynamic learning and research environment.
The Team
Coordinates activities of library branch or department, and assists patrons in the selection and location of books, audiovisual materials, and other materials: Trains and directs workers in performance
Responsible for analysing physical library collection to meet university standards and requirements, processing and retrieval of the items and alias with schools and faculty to provide up to date lists of books for references and reading.
Research librarian analyses information requests to determine which materials will best meet that researcher's needs. The librarian collects, organises and classifies books, journals, audiovisual and other materials relevant to their area of subject specialization. They must also be adept at doing online research, and creating and maintaining electronic databases.
Assist in user processing, including borrowing and lending the books, assisting in the online database retrieval process. Providing information literacy for new users and help with online and helpdesk.
Responsible to look at the overall process of the library services in terms of ICT access and user experience in accessing and retrieving information. Planning and monitoring on the ICT equipment and applications in the library in assisting the long-distance education environment.
Our Expertise
Information Literacy
Information Management
Record Control
Information System Management
Research Assistant
Collection Development
Head of Team

Elvy Nellysha Bahaman
Info. System Mgmt. +603 5022 3571 MLIS (UM) B.(Hons) of Technology Management (UUM)
Muhamad 'Aizat Nazmi Bin Mohd Nor Hamin
Research Support +603 5022 3574 B.Sc. (Hons) Information Management (UIA) MLIS (UIA)